Audi Q7 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q7: Traffic light information


Applies to: vehicles with traffic light information

Driving information
Fig. 102 Instrument cluster: traffic light information display

The traffic light information gives you a speed recommendation in order to reach the next traffic light when it is green (1), or it informs you of the wait time at the next red light (2). Once traffic light data is received, the traffic light information will be displayed in the instrument cluster and in the head-up display*. If the vehicle is in an area with traffic light information but cannot receive a traffic light signal, then a gray traffic light symbol will be displayed (3).

General information

The traffic light information is subject to system limitations and may be unavailable or only partially available in the following situations:

  • If the permitted speed limit is exceeded
  • If driving below a certain speed limit
  • If the next traffic light is less than approximately 100 feet (30 m) away
  • If the estimated wait time at a red light is less than four seconds
  • If there is no traffic light data available
  • If emergency response vehicles or public transit systems are active
  • If traffic lights are in construction zones or being serviced
  • If there are warnings from the camera-based traffic sign recognition*
  • If the camera-based traffic sign recognition* is malfunctioning or not available
  • If the data connection has been interrupted
  • If data transmission is deactivated in the privacy settings
  • If the subscription has expired

If this is the case, the menu item will be grayed-out or it will not be possible to select it.


  • When traffic light information is shown, also always pay attention to the traffic situation, the distance to other vehicles, and the area around the vehicle. The driver is always responsible for assessing the traffic situation.
  • Always adapt your speed to the current weather, road and traffic conditions. The displayed information must never cause you to ignore legal traffic regulations and pose a safety risk.
  • Regardless of the traffic light information, you should always monitor your speed using the speedometer and make sure you are adhering to the legal speed limit.
  • The traffic light information does not adjust your vehicle's speed to the speed recommendation shown in the display.
  • Observe the safety precautions and note the limits of the assist systems, sensors, and cameras.


  • Traffic light information was only available in select cities at the time this manual was printed.
  • Traffic light information is not available nationwide.
  • The functions depend on the navigation data* being up-to-date and correct identification by the traffic sign recognition*.
  • Incorrect values from the camera-based traffic sign recognition* or outdated navigation system* map data can result in missing or incorrect display images.
  • Certain traffic lights can automatically adjust to the current traffic situation. If this occurs, the display of traffic light information can change suddenly.
  • The traffic signs on the road always take priority over the display. The driver is always responsible for adhering to the regulations applicable in the country where the vehicle is being operated.
  • Units of measurement and language settings are displayed based on how they were set in the MMI system settings.


Applies to: vehicles with traffic light information

Switching traffic light information on and off

  • The system can be switched on and off in the MMI.

Accessing traffic light information

  • Select in the instrument cluster: vehicle functions tab > Traffic signs.


If another tab or another function is selected in the instrument cluster, the traffic light information will appear in the status bar on the instrument cluster.


Applies to: vehicles with traffic light information

The following messages may appear depending on the vehicle equipment:

Malfunction! See owner's manual

The system could not be configured, for example due to a network malfunction. Switch the ignition off and shut down the vehicle to restart the system. Wait several minutes until the vehicle has shut down completely and then switch the ignition back on.

Function currently unavailable. See owner's manual

There is a temporary system malfunction. Check if one or more of the following situations applies and correct the issue if necessary:

  • Traffic light information is switched off
  • Data transmission is deactivated
  • The vehicle is not equipped with traffic sign recognition
  • There is no valid license
  • Traffic light information is not available in that area


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