Audi Q7: Wheels and Tires, Vibration
Vibration Causes
There are many causes for vibration. Vibration can also be
caused by tire wear, among other things.
Tire wear caused by driving does not always develop evenly
over the entire tread. Due to this, a slight imbalance develops
which disturbs the smoothness of the formerly accurately
balanced wheel.
This slight imbalance cannot yet be felt in the steering
wheel, but it is present. It increases the tire wear and
consequently reduces the service life of the tire.
To ensure optimal safety, smoothness and even wear over the
entire life of the tire, we recommend balancing the wheels/tires
at least twice within the tire service life.
Flat spots in the tires can also cause vibration. Refer to
→ Chapter "Flat Spots in Tires From Standing".
Flat Spots in Tires From Standing
Flat spots in tires from standing can also cause vibration.
What is a flat spot from standing?
Terms like flat portion and flattening are also used as a
term for flat spots from standing.
It is important to recognize a flat spot in the tread from
standing as such!
It is not possible to balance a flat spot.
Flat spots can occur again caused by many different reasons.
Flat spots from standing can be corrected without complicated
special tools. Providing that the flat spot was not caused by
wheel lock during hard braking. Refer to
→ Chapter "Wear Spots".
Wear spots due to wheel lock are irreparable! Tires with
such damage must be replaced.
Causes of flat spots from standing:
- The vehicle has been standing for a long time in one place
without being moved.
- Tire pressure is too low.
- The vehicle was placed in a paint system drying cabinet
after painting.
- The vehicle was parked with warm tires in a cold garage or
similar for a long time. In this case, a flat spot can develop
Flat spots, correcting:
- Flat spots cannot be removed from tires with workshop
- Flat spots cannot be balanced out.
- Check and correct the tire pressure as necessary.
- Such flat spots can be "driven out" only by driving the car
until the tires are warm.
- We recommend driving the tires warm and not in cold or
winter weather.
Do not endanger yourself or other persons during
this road test.
Observe valid traffic laws and speed limits during
the road test!
General Information
Before beginning balancing, the following requirements must
be fulfilled.
Tire inflation pressure must be OK.
The tire tread must not be worn down on one side and should
be at
General Information
Perform a road test to determine if a vehicle pulls to one
side and if so, when and to which side. If the vehicle pulls to
one side, see procedure
→ Chapter "Corrective A
General Information
Because tire damage can have serious consequences, the
technician and the driver should regularly check the tires, as
it is the best form of early problem recognitio
HID Headlamp Usage and Safety Precautions
Never replace bulbs if you are not familiar with the
procedures, safety precautions and tools.
Danger to life due to high voltage.
For work on the yellow high voltage symbol marked
areas HID headlamp must be de-energized.
Turn off the i
Final Drive Identification
Final Drive Identification, 0DB, 0D2
The 0DB Rear Final Drive Unit Is Assigned to the following
7-Speed Dual Clutch Transmission 0CK
The 0D2 Rear Final Drive Unit Is Assigned to the following
8-Gear Automatic Transmission 0D5 AWD